SNN Inspirational Quotes | In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.

SNN Inspirational Quotes | In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.

Biafra is our home until the end of time. Biafran is our identity everywhere we find ourselves around the globe. Any man or woman who can trace its root to the place, region, or territory called Biafra is a Biafran. This identity is for only Biafrans. A Biafran is an identity of a man or a woman who is from a place called Biafra in West Africa by the Atlantic ocean; an identity of people whose civilization and way of life is unique and humane. A people blessed with human and natural resources. Great people!

Biafra today is under occupation, and a new identity forced upon Biafrans. Biafran as an identity is today shunned by most Biafrans except few. Among these few who did not shun this Biafran identity is a Biafran from Afara Ukwu Ibekwu, a Prince from the family of HRH Eze Israel Okwu Kanu. He was born a Biafran as many like him, but held within him this identity when many embraced other identities over their Biafran identity.

He grew up in wisdom and strength, with true knowledge about his identity, people and Biafra. He saw that many who are Biafrans do not appreciate who they are. He saw men and women whose identity and home would have took them to unimaginable heights but for the identity they choose over their true identity, they are in a perplexed state and in untold hardship.

He only want of his kinsmen, brothers and sisters to appreciate who they are and join forces to restore back both their home and identity. A restoration of their pride as humans. He want his people to once more bask under the ever shining sun as prince and princess, in riches and not in poverty, in good health and not with ailments, with filled stomach and not in hunger, as free citizens and not as slaves in the land of the rising sun.

He wants his home which is our home (Biafra) to stand tall among other nations of the world, free, independent and sovereign.
He desires of every man or woman whose root is of the Biafran origin to be patriots of Biafra. He then initiated a good change aimed at restoring back our lost pride as civilized humans.

A change aimed at building bridges across motherland that have been destroyed alongside our identity. A change aimed at restoring the values and morals a Biafran had that have been replaced with immoralities.
He, through this change is uniting the divides between brothers, villages, communities across Biafra land. A change that is building the social cohesion once felt among Biafrans.

His cause today is despise by many albeit it is for the good of Biafrans he strives.
Someday [soonest] he shall succeed and the timid will join him, only then it costs nothing to be a Biafran patriot.

Precious Diala Sparrow, Author
SNN Quotes.

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