Experience hath shown, that under the best forms [of government] those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

SNN Inspirational Quote | Experience hath shown, that under the best forms [of government] those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

Leaders [in exception of monarchs] were once born ordinary persons or regular citizens before been entrusted with power to oversee or run the affairs of the people. Many of these leaders grew among the populace, feeling and sharing in the daily pains and challenges of the people. They, as every other ordinary citizens complained about the poor quality, or the shortcomings, or style of leadership of the leaders in offices then. The future will be better and brighter if only the leaders are good and responsible, they lamented. Their wishes and aspirations to make quality leadership available for the people (fellow citizens) should the opportunity be given heightened with every moment lived under the gory leadership of others.

Now that the moment they sought for through the days of their lives came, where they now find themselves in the position to lead others, after their fellow citizens and the populace (whom they felt and shared with the pains of the past gory leadership,) have entrusted them with power, to make amends to the ills of the past leadership, to carter for the general well being of the citizens, to help forge for the citizens a beautiful future and especially to protect the lives and properties of this very citizens, to organize the people and make things work for the better of everyone, to protect at all times the will of the commoners and with so many other entrusts. These, once ordinary citizens now leaders, in time of overseeing the affairs of the people, by slow operations, have perverted the opportunity and privilege to serve into tyranny.

They have become even worst than the past leadership before them. The plights of the citizens are no longer their primary objectives or responsibility, rather their personal wish is now superior to the demands and wishes of the very ones who entrusted power to them.
So many would say "power intoxicates" but i will say "power exposes the inside of who we truly are." A leader needs no power to lead his people. Yes not all who complains about the ills of a leader will do better as a leader. Yes under the ladder one can notice and complain about every thing that is not been attended to or carter for, but not all who find themselves on top of the ladder can find time to look down and attend to those challenges that bedevils the commoners. Leadership could be free and void of tyranny only in conditions "when the leaders still think of themselves as the ordinary citizens they were then under a bad leadership and had wished for a better leadership."

The so called politicians of the South east in view, who were once commoners, entrusted with the powers to represent, have in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. They now serve only their ego, pride and ambitions. The people are nothing to them. The picture and those in it, are proven examples of ordinary citizens who overtime of growing from different heights and positions of leadership with power entrusted to them has evolved into full blown tyrants.

Dear reader! If it is not the WILL of the people you represent that drives you as a leader, if it is your VERY OWN DESIRES or of another person, then you are a STOOGE, a PUPPET and definitely a TYRANT to your people!

Precious Diala Sparrow, Author.
SNN Quotes.

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